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Monitoring and Troubleshooting

After you launch your code, check on its performance and availability. You can monitor statistics and view information about the health of your application, its environment, and specific services from the AWS Management Console. Elastic Beanstalk also creates alerts that trigger at established thresholds to monitor your environment’s health. In the AWS Management Console, the AWS Elastic Beanstalk Monitoring page shows aggregated statistics and graphs for your applications and resources. Each environment is color-coded to indicate the environment’s status. You can see at a glance whether your environment is available online at any point in time. Metrics gathered by the resources in your environment are published to Amazon CloudWatch in five-minute intervals. You can adjust the time range for the statistics and graphs and customize your views of the metrics.

Health dashboard on AWS Elastic Beanstalk


Metrics for monitoring on AWS Elastic Beanstalk


AWS Elastic Beanstalk Health Page Color Definitions

GrayYour environment is being updated.
GreenYour environment has passed the most recent health check. At least one instance in your environment is available and taking requests.
YellowYour environment has failed one or more health checks. Requests to your environment are failing.
RedYour environment has failed three or more health checks, or an environment resource has become unavailable. Requests are consistently failing.

By default, Elastic Beanstalk displays Amazon EC2, Auto Scaling, and Elastic Load Balancing metrics for your application environments. These metrics are available to you on your AWS Elastic Beanstalk Monitoring page as soon as you deploy your application environment. You can access the health status from the AWS Management Console or the EB CLI.

Basic Health Monitoring

To access the health status from the AWS Management Console, select the Elastic Beanstalk service and then select the tab for your specific application environment. An environment overview shows your architecture’s instance status details, resource details, and fi lter capabilities. Health statuses are indicated in four distinct colors. To access the health status from the EB CLI, enter the eb health command. The output shows the environment and the health of associated instances. Enhanced health reporting also provides the following seven health statuses, which are single-word descriptors that provide a better indication of the state of your environment:

ok warning degraded severe info pending unknown

You can also use the eb status command in the EB CLI or the DescribeEnvironments API call to retrieve the health status for an environment. You can check the health of the overall environment or the individual services of Amazon EC2 or an Elastic Load Balancing load balancer. Health checks on your Elastic Load Balancing port execute both for the default port 80 and a custom Elastic Load Balancing port/path. For GET requests with the load balancer, 200 OK is the default success code and indicates a healthy status. The service can also return 400 level responses. You can also confi gure a health check URL for custom static page responses.

Be sure to adjust the caching time to live for any health check static pages or URLs in Amazon CloudFront or for any caching mechanism you may use.

Enhanced Health Monitoring

There are two types of reporting: the default health information about your resources and the enhanced health reporting that provides you more information for monitoring health.

You can use the enhanced health reporting feature to gather additional resource data and display graphs and statistics of environment health in greater detail. This is important when you deploy multiple versions of your application and when you need to analyze factors that could be degrading your application’s availability or performance. You can view these details in the AWS Elastic Beanstalk Monitoring page from the AWS Management Console. These reports require the creation of two IAM roles: a service role to allow access between the services and Elastic Beanstalk and an instance profi le to write logs into an Amazon S3 bucket.

Running the enhanced health report requires a version 2 or newer platform configuration that supports all platforms except Windows Server with IIS. The enhanced health reports provide data directly to Elastic Beanstalk and do not run through Amazon CloudWatch.

By default, health monitoring on Elastic Beanstalk does not publish metrics to Amazon CloudWatch, so you are not charged for the metrics. There are also custom metrics that you can run and view, for which you are not charged a fee. You can enable custom metrics by using the PutMetricData operation in worker environments. For example, you might have an Amazon SQS daemon that publishes custom metrics for environment health under the same environment namespace. You can also enable custom metrics from Amazon CloudWatch, but AWS charges for these additional metrics you publish to your monthly Amazon CloudWatch. To save costs, use the available metrics on the Elastic Beanstalk service, or enable the custom metrics that you need, paying only for what you use.

Elastic Beanstalk runs a health agent to provide detailed health resource data for enhanced health monitoring. The health agent runs in the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for each instance operating system on a platform configuration for your application. The agent analyzes system metrics and logs to communicate the health status to Elastic Beanstalk. You receive alerts, data, and actionable insights that you can use to monitor your applications and understand, prevent, and respond to performance issues.

You can monitor recent health events that you have enabled on Elastic Beanstalk in real time. There are several health event types that can change as an environment transitions from the create state to the run state. The figure displays the health events available in the AWS Elastic Beanstalk Monitoring page and examples of the details that allow you to respond to issues identified.

Events on AWS Elastic Beanstalk


Elastic Beanstalk integrates with AWS CloudTrail to capture Elastic Beanstalk API calls as log files that you can store in an Amazon S3 bucket. To view additional actions occurring with your running resources, you can also capture AWS API calls in your code using AWS CloudTrail.